
let's get crafty: twig wreath

My absolute favorite way to make a wreath is to go out and gather items in the garden. I love pieces of cedar, holly and boxwood crammed together to make a holiday wreath. Another favorite is a simple twig wreath created from old twigs found around the landscape. Here's an easy Make-it Monday project featured on The Painted Hive. EnJOY. 

  1. Gather sticks from around the yard or garden to create the wreath. Break down the twigs to similar lengths.
  2. Create central disk or center as the base of the wreath using a leftover cardboard box or cereal box. Wrap the box with twine.
  3. Attach the sticks using a hot glue gun around the base to create the design. Tie a piece of ribbon or twine around the central disk to create the hanging loop. 
  4. Use decorative tacks, a non-stick hook or anything else you have around the home to hang the wreath. Happy crafting! 

1 comment

mhzkid said...

Congrats on your new baby girl!

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